How To Use Vaseline To Remove Black Heads Instantly

How To Use Vaseline To Remove Black Heads Instantly

Black heads are little bumps or another kind of pimple which is black in color. These appear on the skin due to the excess oil produced by the skin called sebum, which in turn leads to blackheads. It can appear at any age of a person, but it affects teenagers mainly due to hormonal changes during puberty.

Black heads mainly appear on the nose and the lips of a person, but it can also appear in places like back of the neck, shoulder, chest etc.

Black heads are called so because of the melanin which tends to be in excess in certain people and also due to the fact that it oxidizes, when exposed to air and turns black. Severe form of black head formations may need medical intervention or specific kind of treatment to get rid of, but if it is not too severe certain home remedies can do the magic to get rid of the same.

Causes of Black Heads:
Black heads can be formed due to various reasons like excess use of cosmetics, over use of chemically infused products and clothes which always cover the face. Use of steroids is also known to increase the eruption of black heads.

Greasy foods like finger chips, chocolates, poor hygiene, and high consumption of dairy products are other factors which contribute to black head formation on the skin.

Vaseline as a remedy:
We all know the fact that Vaseline or petroleum jelly is a very good skin ointment and is used for various skin problems like chafes, cuts, bruises etc. Vaseline also helps in giving the skin a smooth and soft texture. Not many know that Vaseline can be a good cure to remove black heads too. Let’s now have a look at how Vaseline can be used to get rid of blackheads.

Vaseline can be applied as it is or it can be mixed with other ingredients too, to get rid of black heads.

1.Vaseline Cream:
Vaseline cream has to be applied on the blackheads regularly to soften the acne and to get rid of it. Applying it on regular basis will help in getting rid of the blackheads in an effective way.

2.Vaseline with Lemon Juice:
Vaseline can be mixed with lemon juice and applied on the skin. Vaseline has skin softening properties and lemon juice is known to be a good astringent lotion. The combination of both is an excellent remedy to get rid of blackheads.

3.Vaseline with Baking Soda:
Baking soda is known for its bleaching and skin lightening properties. Vaseline is known for giving soft, supple skin and helps in getting rid of black heads in a short time. Combining these two products can do wonders in combating the problem of blackheads. A teaspoon of Vaseline has to be mixed with baking soda and applied every morning until black heads disappear.

4.Vaseline Egg Mask:
Making an egg mask mixed with Vaseline jelly is another way of getting black heads to disappear. Egg white has to be mixed with Vaseline and applied on the face. Make sure that this mixture is not too runny. Once the mixture is applied on the skin, a wet napkin or cotton cloth has to be put on the face, so that the mixture does not dry up. After some time, the mask has to be washed with cold water. Doing so regularly will give visible results and lend a superb glow to the face.

5.Vaseline with Toothpaste:
Strange it may sound, but it is true that Vaseline when mixed with toothpaste of any brand is sure to give astonishing results. Toothpaste and Vaseline has to be mixed thoroughly and this paste has to be applied evenly with the help of a toothbrush on the blackheads eruption. Doing this remedy on a constant basis is bound to give sure shot results.

6.Vaseline and Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar too is another wonderful remedy for skin ailments. Vaseline can be mixed with apple cider vinegar and applied on the blackheads. For better and quicker results, a handful of mint leaves can be crushed and juice extracted from it, can be mixed with these two.
Mix all the three ingredients thoroughly and apply it on the skin and wash off after half hour. Mint is known to have antiseptic properties and is very helpful in cleaning clogged pores and removing black heads. For better results, a moisturizer has to be applied once the face is cleaned after applying the above said mixture.

7. Vaseline with Sugar scrub:
sugar scrub, and this is also bound to give desired results in cleaning the skin of black head spots. Sugar has to be melted and mixed with essential oil like almond or olive or jojoba oils which are beneficial to the skin.

Excess of this sugar scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for future use. Mixing the sugar scrub and Vaseline in equal quantities and applying the same with the help of a cotton ball or a tooth brush definitely helps in getting rid of the black heads.

8.Vaseline and Honey:
Vaseline and honey is another sure shot way of getting rid of clogged pores, which result in black heads appearing all over the skin. Honey is a natural skin toner and is beneficial in treating uneven skin tone, getting rid of pigmentation marks etc.

Honey and Vaseline has to be mixed with two drops of rose water, and make sure that this mixture or paste is not runny. Applying this paste over the face and places where blackheads are found, is sure to make these pesky things disappear quickly.

9.Vaseline and Cinnamon Stick:
The ever fragrant cinnamon stick is a food lover’s delight; Cinnamon stick can also be loved for its blackhead curing properties from now on. A handful of cinnamon sticks have to be ground into a coarse and rough textured powder.

It has to be mixed with Vaseline and applied on the face. Care has to be taken while applying this paste beneath the eye and nose, since cinnamon is known for its pungent properties. After this paste is applied, washing it off with cold water is necessary to ward off the pungent effect of cinnamon.

10.Vaseline and Glue:
What a strange way of getting rid of black heads. It sounds funny, but a few drops of glue which is non toxic can be mixed with Vaseline and used as a treatment for removing blackheads. Once this mix is applied, it is very much essential to take a steam treatment.

Giving steam treatment helps in unclogging the pores and softens the black heads. Once the blackheads soften, the sweat can be cleaned off using a cotton ball, along with which the black heads also come out easily.

Black heads can be squeezed and get rid of. To make use of this method, a hot compress has to be made use of. Giving a hot compress helps the skin to get rid of the dust, grime and excess oil and thereby is a great relief in warding off blackheads.

12.Almond Oil:
Almond oil can be used for removing black heads thoroughly. Almond oil has to be warmed a bit before applying on the black heads. The warm content helps the skin to get softer, which helps in easy removal of blackheads using a cotton ball or a clean cloth.

13.Lemon juice and Salt:
Lemon juice and salt is another remedy which can give unbelievable relief and results for people who are suffering from blackheads. Lemon juice and salt both have curative properties and this is beneficial in treating blackheads in an effective way. This juice mixture has to be applied on the places where blackheads are found, and left to dry. Once the juice has dried out, face has to be washed clean with cold water.

Tomatoes are another wonder remedy in curing blackheads. Small pieces of tomatoes can be placed on the nose, lips etc. where blackheads tend to appear frequently. The astringent content in tomato helps in getting rid of blackheads to a great extent.

15. Cleansing Milk :
Using cleansing milk to get rid of blackheads is another recommended and cost effective remedy. Cleansing milk has to be massaged on the skin gently for 10 minutes. Once the cleansing milk dries out, cotton ball dipped in any astringent lotion has to be used to clean the face. The astringent lotion helps in cleaning the skin thoroughly and also helps to ward off blackheads totally.

Apart from these remedies or tips, care has to be taken to wash the face on a regular basis at regular intervals. Keeping hair and nails clean is also of utmost importance, since dandruff in hair can lead to excess sebum production. Changing pillow covers and using clean bed sheets also goes a long way in clearing blackheads quickly.

Follow the above given remedies on a regular basis and remove blackheads quickly and in an effective way, and have a wonderful glowing skin again.

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AyurvedPlus ~ English: How To Use Vaseline To Remove Black Heads Instantly
How To Use Vaseline To Remove Black Heads Instantly
AyurvedPlus ~ English
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